The Norwegian Association of Optometry

The Norwegian Association of Optometry

The Norwegian Association of Optometry (NOF) is a professional organisation for optometrists authorized by Norwegian authorities. Membership can also be achieved by foreign optometrists whose education qualify for Norwegian authorization

Since the foundation in 1945, NOF’s main task has been to contribute to the development of professional optometry, from refraction opticians to primary care optometrists. NOF has adapted the WCO statement, saying Optometry is a healthcare profession that is autonomous, educated and regulated (licensed/registered) and optometrist are the primary healthcare practitioners of the eye and visual system, who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which includes refraction and dispensing, detection/diagnosis and management of disease in the eye and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system.

Our aim is to become the population’s first contact for vision care, which shall be achieved through

  • Giving contribution to our members’ professional development
  • Continuous development of the professional environment within Norwegian optometry
  • Giving contribution to the population’s professional guidance and assistance within optometry
  • Engagement to secure that optometry becomes a natural part of the public health care

The Norwegian Association of Optometry is located in Oslo, Norway:
Øvre Slottsgate 18/20, 0157 Oslo
Telephone: + 47 23 35 54 50