I Skottland utvider NHS optikerens rettigheter i forhold til bruk av terapeutiske medikamenter. Dette etter regjeringens anbefaling. Sam Watson, leder for Optometry Scotland, mener at denne utvidelsen av optikeres yrkesutøvelse er til pasientenes beste slik at deres behov for primære øyehelsetjenester sikres.

Watson sier blant annet: This is another example of shifting and sharing the balance of care and it can only help improve the workflow within the NHS which will benefit and enhance overall patient care. At Optometry Scotland it’s important for us to make patients aware that optometrists are the GP for eyes and their practices are fully equipped to provide the best eye care available. We are the first port of call for patients when examining the eyes, detecting deficiency in vision, eye injuries and ocular diseases.
Les mer om de nye rettighetene i Optician.